6:45 am - Awaken to light from bathroom window in my eyes because the door was not shut. Hear hubby readying to leave the house. Roll over to try and catch a few more zzzz's before the babe is up.
7:00 am - Finally fall back asleep
7:05 am - Phone buzzes with a text from someone asking about my Haiti trip. Think to self: Remember to answer that later. Continue trying to sleep knowing that I'm probably going to be late this morning.
7:14 am - Bladder and baby crying at the same time. Which call to answer first? Bladder wins.
7:18 am - Answer text because I know I'll forget later. Answer another one that came in the night before but that I didn't receive because the previous night I forgot to charge my phone and it was dead all day yesterday.
7:19 am - Retrieve baby girl from crib. Morning cuddles are THE BEST! And I love to see that face in the morning...even with a nasty yellow-green bruise and knot still in the middle of her forehead from a mid-week, mommy-heart-stopping accident. Thank Jesus that she's okay and continue hugging. Realize diaper stinks. Lay her down for a change. Try to shush her crying so as to let big sisters sleep a little more after previous late night meeting at our house.
7:24 am - Bring baby downstairs for breakfast. Strap her into chair and give a half banana and some cereal to tide her over until I can scrounge up some clothes for big sister #2 out of the clean clothes that are still sitting in the basket since doing laundry last week.
7:30 am - Grab a bottle of water for myself from garage. Grab child #2's backpack out of the car to empty it before today's school day.
7:32 am - Glance at the clock to notice I have 30 minutes to get everyone ready and out of the house for school. Set down water bottle. Run upstairs to dress child #2. Quietly get eye-rubbing, yawning child #2 out of bed whilst trying not to wake child #1. Try to ignore pangs of guilt reminding me that it was stupid to have them up so late the night before. Get child #2 half undressed when she has to go potty. Gently try waking child #1 in the meantime and realize that Ms. Grumpy has paid a visit. Commence operation Keep Daughter Smiling and Positive.
7:45 am - Both older children are dressed and heading downstairs. I take quick minute to throw jeans, sweater, and HAT on, vowing to shower later.
7:48 am - Arrive back downstairs to find the girls having donettes donuts. At this point, I don't care. I take 2 and give them to the baby. Realizing none of them have anything to drink, I get cups out and fill with water.
7:50 am - Tell child #1 to practice piano one last time before her after-school lesson. While she practices, I brush her hair.
7:55 am - Strongly encourage baby to stay out of trash.
8:00 am - Go on the hunt for matching socks for all three girls. This laundry thing is getting out of control.
8:05 am - Child #1 begins to pack backpack. I realize child #2 did not color a picture of her and the class stuffed animal pet Rufus as directed in the take-home folder from Friday that I'm just now emptying. Break out the paper and crayons!
8:15 am - Why is putting shoes on always such an ordeal?
8:25 am - Pack up child #1's lunch. Get snack together for child #2. Do child #2's hair.
8:30 am - Yeah. We're not making the 8:30 Pre-K start time.
8:33 am - Begin telling kids to hurry and get coats on. Start trying to find car keys.
8:37 am - Scoot baby out of the bathroom....not a good place to play.
8:40 am - Scoot kids out to the car. Let's go! Clap, clap, clap. Return to get baby only to see she doesn't have sock, shoes, or coat on. Remedy the problem.
8:45 am - Locate keys, strap baby in the car.
8:46 am - Realize my driver's license is in the pocket of my coat that I didn't put on. Back inside to find it. Grab water bottle that has yet to be opened.
8:50 am - Realize my driver's license is in the car where I left it the day before. LOL!
8:51 am - Pulling out of garage, come to terms with the fact that child #1 is not making her 9 am start time. Oh well, there are worse things in life.
8:53 am - Notice that autopilot brain has directed the vehicle towards Grandmas house, not Pre-K school. 2 minute detour.
9:00 am - Drop off Pre-K child.
9:04 am - Back on the road to child #1's school 20 minutes away.
9:25 am - Drop off child # 1. Get registration forms for next school year from the front desk and begin filling out. At regular intervals, stop to corral baby from entering classrooms or destroying copy machine.
9:35 am - Receive important phone call on cell phone during which constipated baby shows signs of needing to go and begins screaming. Hang up phone and rush to bathroom to avoid making a scene.
9:40 am - It was a no-go. Maybe later.
9:50 am - Turn in forms and payment and leave school.
10:05 am - Pop into Smoothie King to get some breakfast. Baby loves them too!
10:15 am -Back in the car, headed to Sam's Club to pick up a few grocery items and diapers.
10:25 am - Clean up smoothie spill in baby's carseat. Gotta love strawberry, pineapple, and papaya in every nook and cranny of the buckle. Visit to Sam's goes fairly well.
10:59 am - Head into Walmart to return something. Need to grab a few things for my Haiti trip. Stock up on travel size hand sanitizer, amongst other things.
11:10 am - Remember that I need max strength bug spray for the trip and attempt to make my way to the OPPOSITE side of Super Walmart where the camping gear is. Pick up off the floor the mini hand sanitizers that baby is dropping along the way. At least I'm getting a workout in today.
11:15 am - After perusing the camping aisle and now imagining all sorts of scenarios in Haiti in which I will most certainly need one of everything in that aisle, Baby's face turns red and eyes start watering. The scream is coming. Dropping the multi-purpose all-in-one knife/water purifier/whistle/poncho (wouldn't that be cool?!!), we head straight to the bathroom again for attempt #2 at #2. And where is the bathroom? You guessed it--on the other side of the store.
11: 30 am - One measly excrement later, I decide to head to the checkout. Child #2 needs to be picked up at Noon.
11:32 am - WAIT! I forgot, I need rubber boots for my trip. It will be rainy season. Why are all the rubber boots here so hard to get on?
11:45 am - Ok, I really need to check out now. Head for the shortest line.
11:55 am - Should have known the shortest line wouldn't necessarily be the fastest. I love you, dear older woman with lots of coupons who needs a price check and who's form of payment is check.
12:00 am - Finally swiping my card. I should only be like 7 minutes late to pick up child #2
12:08 am - Pick up is done. Now home to make lunch. Is it nap time yet??????